My dating experience

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So enjoy downloading videos from Youtube using GenYoutube and showcase, watch and listen to the ocean of never del digital video download stream. For such an experienced matchmaking agency it makes sense to have strict rules to prevent scams and frauds. Before the internet era, some Americans would meet their prospective husband or wife in college, through friends, at work, etc. Google it and you find it Lucifer this will save your heart acke and money loss on translate fee scams as Uadreams exist many others scammy date agencies… Joseph seam like an honest person and they are getting high good reviews on trustpilot. Open-ended questions allow you to ellaborate and add a personal sense to your answer. In between, the smarter you are, the my dating experience clueless you will be, and the more problems you're going to have in your dating life. Of course my dating experience times, if you do make arrangements they will be sick or traveling or working or gone to another city etc. However, if you're all out of con date ideas, be inspired by this list of 31 romantic, silly, and downright cheesy things to with your partner. People must evaluate if all the variables add up to create a solution, which can lead to love or heartache. Iran has a large population of young people with un percent of the 70-million population being under the age of thirty. Even though it makes sense that she wants to use the translation tool from the agency, something felt odd.

They are definitely good at marketing themselves, but do they also do a great job when it comes to helping you to find a Ukrainian girlfriend or wife? On the other hand, I nearly suffered a stroke when I found out that exchanging contact details with the women is not allowed and that the gift shop is one big rip off. The best thing you can do is to join for free and to see if this is the right site for you. There are a lot of spam complaints about this Ukrainian marriage agency. You can also find hundreds of testimonials, forum entries and experience reports from men who found the love of their life on this site and who were extremely satisfied with the service. Half of the world hates this site and goes crazy with spam accusations while the other half of the world consists of thankful fans. Just have a look at what this guy has to say about his experience with UaDreams: And yes, they met on UaDreams. Who should I believe? Well, as a fan of Buddhist philosophy, I knew that emptying my mind would be the only way to write an honest and unbiased UaDreams review. Without thinking about all the happy love stories and all the complaints, I embarked on a journey and tested the shit out of this Ukrainian marriage agency. Now I share my experience, moments of surprise, moments of shock and my honest opinion with you in this UaDreams review. The women that you can find on this Ukrainian marriage agency look incredible. Of course, the pictures of the ladies are made by a professional photographer who knows how to use Photoshop. But every man with at least one eye can see that these women are also gorgeous without Photoshop, high heels and makeup. Just look at them… The question is: Are they real or are they fake? One of the most common scams of marriage agencies is to buy photos from model agencies and to put them on their site. Whenever you contact one of the girls you are either writing with Igor or Boris, but never with the beautiful Natasha. I wanted to find out if these women are real and I knew that there was just one way to find it out: Video chat! I wanted to see them and as you will see. I did all kinds of crazy things to find out if they are real or if the company shows some kind of recorded video to fool me. You never know these days. I will share the results of this experience with you later. For now I just want to make one thing clear: The women on UaDreams are real. I swear to God, Buddha and my mother that these women are real…at least the five that I saw in the chat. They are not just real, they also reveal a lot about themselves in their profiles. The profiles of the women on Uadreams. And the women are real. The only question is whether or not all the romantic claptrap they say about themselves is true. Remember what this one guy in the forum post I shared with you said? Sometimes, when things are too good to be true, they are just a big lie behind a beautiful curtain. Might this be the case with Uadreams. It seems so good. They show dozens of testimonials from men who were absolutely satisfied with the service. Some of these letters are handwritten. Some men even agreed to speak about their experience in front of a camera. No, they also share dozens of pictures of happy couples who met on the site. Some of these pictures show them on their wedding day. Other pictures show them with their kids. These couples look real. Their kids are real. You see that these are real people and not some washed-up actors who smiled for the camera. As I found out later, some of the practices of this company are indeed a bit untrustworthy. Later on I will share the prices they charge for the individual services. And fuck me, they are not inexpensive. In fact, some of the services they charge are so ridiculously overpriced and unnecessary that it made me lose a bit of trust in this company. By definition a scam is a dishonest scheme. UaDreams is completely transparent about their prices. As I will show you later, they even tell you how much you pay for every minute you want to chat with the women. They are transparent and every man who takes the time to look at the list of their services knows what awaits him. The unpleasant truth is that most marriage agencies charge a lot of money for the correspondence with the women, for translation services and for all kinds of other things. Do you want to know my opinion on that? I personally think that the majority of the prices that marriage agencies charge, and UaDreams is definitely one of them, are way too high. But again, as long as they are transparent, they can charge whatever they want. This is the very first time I review a marriage agency. Even though a regular dating site is cheaper, you are on your own once you chat with a woman. I love it this way. But you are not me. You might be different. You might enjoy the all-inclusive package that marriage agencies offer. You want the all-inclusive package? There are dozens of different services that you can use, but as you can see, sending and receiving mails, photos and using the video chat are the most important features. In my opinion, these are the only features that make sense, but more on that later. Thanks to all the scam complaints you might be afraid that you get ripped off the moment you join the site. I just wanted to test if the service was really free or if I would be confronted with any additional costs. To my surprise and disappointment, I was asked to decorate the letter before sending it…which would have cost extra. The only thing that matters is that she likes what you write. Every company does it. The good news, however, is that the beautiful woman I wrote to replied. They offer tons of different services and some of them are questionable, but they are always honest about what each service costs. There are just too many. When I tested this service, I got a reply within 24 hours. Video Chat This is the most useful service. You just click on the profile of one of the beautiful Ukrainian women and see if she is online and available for a chat. When she is available you can invite her to a video chat. When she accepts, you can start chatting. You can see her. She can see you. The only downside is that you can only chat, not talk. And yes, the women you are chatting with are real and the same women that you see on the profile pictures. In just a few seconds you will see real messages that I exchanged with some of the girls. Telephone Contact What if you want to hear her voice? Well, then you need to pay for a telephone contact. I wanted to know if the girls are real. I wanted to know if the women I chatted with are the same women that I saw on their stunning profile pictures. Just with less makeup. After my fifth conversation I ran out of video credits. These five conversations revealed everything I needed to know about the video chat service. I felt like a spy whose mission was to uncover a terrible conspiracy. Every single one of the five girls waved when I asked her to wave. But how can you be sure that they are not just staff members in the UaDreams office? And as you can see in the following message, the next girl I chatted with was at work. Yes, that makes sense. My Uadreams Review Video Chat Experiment proved to me that the chat is totally legit. Everything was completely normal. She passed the test. And she smiled even more when I gave her a compliment. Then I did something that irritated her. I asked for her contact details. First, I asked her if she would give me her phone number. Then I asked her why she only talks here. Even though it makes sense that she wants to use the translation tool from the agency, something felt odd. I tried to put myself in her position. I imagined that I would be a Ukrainian woman who dreams about having a Western husband. I meet a guy who I really like that would be moi , a guy I want to get to know better. Why on earth would I not want to skype with him? That was the moment when I lost a bit of trust in Uadreams. What did the support team say to this issue? They apologized for the inconvenience and gave me a link to their anti-scam policy…. After I studied it, I was even more confused than before. Compared to other Ukrainian marriage agencies, they have tons of experience and a long history. The hundreds of testimonials from happy clients prove that they know what they are doing. For such an experienced matchmaking agency it makes sense to have strict rules to prevent scams and frauds. And their anti-scam policy is very strict…a bit too strict, if you ask me. Some of their anti-scam rules are extremely good. To be honest, I was positively surprised to read that they forbid that the girls receive money from you because this is the most popular scam of all. However, there was one rule that really bothered me. I would love to hear your opinion in the comments below. However, when I looked at the gifts that you can buy for the ladies, I was worried about getting a stroke. Seriously, I am speechless. Please shoot me an email. I pay for your brain scan. Sorry when I write with so many exclamation marks but looking through the gift shop made me so freaking angry. I thought that this was an April fool hoax, but they are actually serious about that. And you give it to her in form of a card. I know that the guys from UaDreams will read this review. The women are real, friendly and beautiful. But please stop selling completely ridiculous gifts for a price that will motivate more and more people to write scam complaints about your service and company. Do it to save the reputation of your company. What if you decide that you want to give this matchmaking agency a chance? You have nothing to lose. You can join and look at the profiles of the women without paying a cent. And in case you want to do that, you just need to follow this step-by-step walkthrough that shows you everything from signing up to finding the perfect girl. On the other hand, I nearly suffered a stroke when I found out that exchanging contact details with the women is not allowed and that the gift shop is one big rip off. On the other hand, I nearly suffered a stroke when I found out that exchanging contact details with the women is not allowed and that the gift shop is one big rip off. The best thing you can do is to join for free and to see if this is the right site for you. The company gets rich, while the girls only get English lessons. That is their pay? I would hypothesize that since the economic situation for most is quite tough, that the ladies may be getting a percentage of everything purchased. To keep the ladies you only offer them English lessons? However, no one is forcing anyone to spend money at the site. I am registered on InternationalCupid and RussianCupid dating sites since 4-5 years. Mostly on this sites are also scammers and gold diggers. Few weeks ago I was writing with nice girl who I met through RussianCupid. Her name is Nastya from Ivano-Frankovsk. We exchanged many messages. She told in the second letter that she is using her friends help to translate letter, because her english is not so good. My membership was expiring and then she asked me for my email address. I gave her my email + my Facebook and Whatsapp contact. Few days later I got invitation to Uadreams… from Anastsiya. I got very pissed, because I thought that she would contact me through email or Facebook. I used to be on Uadreams before, but I deleted my account there. She explained this invitation to Uadreams as her friend had to return to her city… Sounded very suspicius for me… After invitation from her I got 3 mails and 3 min of video chat for free. I was very pissed and I told her that she works for that agency and want to take every dime from me… She explained why she joined that site… I have big doubts if I should belive and trust her… Im really confused. She sent me picture of her and her sister as proof also wanted to video chat… I dont know what to do… Im honestly confused. I have mixed emotions. Ivano-Frankovsk is not far from my home town. What should I do? I had exactly same experience with her as you seem to have. I started chatting with her at Fdating. January of this year. I was too very very suspicious about UADreams invite. I asked her at the UaDreams what she did remember about our messaging from Fdating. As funny as it sounds, she did not remember anything. Or basically anything from me. But no, that is not true. And is UaDreams agency using information about ladies profiles to invite men there? Uadreams of course deny that I also asked her about other dating sites, as I noticed that she had profiles in about 10 dating sites at that time. At that time I had profiles at 3-4 different dating sites. Question was more about why I should pay expensive service at UaDreams if I could use cheaper services to communicate with her, and could I trust her with the answers she gave to me seemed like I could not. The thing is about her english capability. Thing is that in Ukraine everybody has english classes for 6 years. Adding to that, she went and graduated from school number 11 at Ivano-Frankivsk. How do I know, that she went to shcool number 11? Here is a screenshot of an older picture of her at her Vkontakte profile page. Personally I find it quite funny to see that she still uses same lies on men. You know, I speak Russian though very basic only. I did search about UaDreams from the russian part of the internet and at the message below you can see couple of advertising messages from one of their former branch. For your question what you should do. You are the only one who can answer to that. I pondered the same question for a while too. But after all the answer for that question was quite easy for me. As I cannot stand liars and I cannot or want to start relationship with a person I do not trust. I stopped communicating with her after using those free messages. I would not spend money on it. It is very expensive to buy credits to chat with the girls by message or by webcam. I made a registration on this site to have my own experience. Before long, I started getting messages from girls. There is a problem with these messages: the girls showed that they had not read my profile. When I sent them an answer they ignored everything I wrote and just sent me generic texts talking about love, feelings and relationships. Some girls sent me 3 to 4. They are empty messages and worthless. Just copy and paste! I would never buy credits to talk to a woman who sends me cold, mechanical and impersonal texts. I would never travel to Ukraine to meet this type of woman. The conclusion for me seems obvious: these girls had no real interest in me. They just want to keep exchanging messages. In my opinion they can be geared to this. The aim is to encourage men to spend money by buying credits. I go further and say that girls can get commissions for this kind of attitude. But there are real girls who have read my profile and answered the text of my messages. These girls were very few. I feel like most are just there to make men spend money buying credits. I would never spend my money on this site! Hey Arthur yes stay away from Uadreams. She later on admitted that all of the girls in fact work for the company as Krystyna also said above. The letters are written mostly by translators and the girls in the agency do not receive any money from them. Many of the girls do not speak english but they are in the agency just to work, and the company actually searches for these working girls through vk and robota. You might find a girl, as I did, by chatting with the girls and most importantly by going to meet them. If you are a nice guy, the lady might very well be interested in you once meeting face to face. Take into account that I am 26 years old, well educated and own my own business, it might be difficult for much older guys to find someone on the site. My advice is, do not correspond with these girls with letters as you will never be corresponding with the girl you think you are, but with a translator, who gets a commission on every letter sent by you. In this way, uadreams is a scam. The ladies are real, but the corresponding sure is not. So if you do meet a nice girl on the chat, and you want to go meet her, at least find her profile on Vkontante and check whether she is a available, otherwise you are just wasting your time and money. Hope this gives some light to you guys about UaDreams. I would recomment Ukraine date or Russian Cupid this one also is evry good and honest but I think very expensive… matchguaranty by Joseph. Google it and you find it Arthur this will save your heart acke and money loss on translate fee scams as Uadreams exist many others scammy date agencies… Joseph seam like an honest person and they are getting high good reviews on trustpilot. I know trustpilot not bets review site but still worth checking out. A friend of mine knows Joseph personally and recommens his service sbest online to find love in Ukraine or Russia very honest service with good trackrecord best in business. Hi I am in Rovno now. I am a retired sales professional from USA. I met a lady from here , one horrible event. She has no intrest in me. I left an hour or so,with her and the interpreter. It was real bad. I have bern in the Ukraine about 4 now. The locals mostly laugh at the foreign men. Who get involved in these sites. The ladies in the eastern Ukraine try to extort money from you for fake expenses to,come to,you. Most all these expenses are not true. Just investigate them for yourself as I did. I hurt for these ladies here. I joined the site backnin 2011 when got divorced and thought it seemed legit. Seems like UA dreams is a hooker site which scams money off men. Sure the girls are real , real scammers workin for Russian mafia. It is a scam. UADreams pays to the girls. Anyways at their VK. Same thing is repeated at their OK. Предлагаем НОВЫЕ ЗНАКОМСТВА и ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ДОХОД! Main point of that message is: Предлагаем ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ДОХОД! So what does these messages mean? It means that GIRLS IN UADREAMS ARE PAID. When agency pays to girls, how you can be sure that the girls are intrested about you over the money they recieve from communicating with you? Personally I wont recommend using this dating site, nor any of dating sites where you have to pay from each message. A decently written review of UADreams in good English! Also the reviews seem highly polarised 50-50 — there are no in-betweens. I have been writing regularly to 5 ladies and occasionally to another 3 or 4. But that could be explained by a different translator instead of the ladies normal one. Ages ranged from 28 to 46 with none bothered about the age gap. I am 68 but look 10 years younger and swim every day. Is that realistic even for 46-68 22? I saw young Ukraine girls being interviewed in Kiev and they all said 10 years was the maximum. I asked for personal photos and most ladies sent me ones consistent with their life including ones in nature and some with their child or friends. In fact I received far more photos than I could afford to pay for. However I asked and they said the ladies receive no notification when their emails or photos are opened. Some were at home and had no makeup on, casual clothes, but were still attractive girls. It was disconcerting in the video chat because I had mostly to look at my keyboard, snatching glances when I could. I could see the lady talking to the translator through her headset and I obviously saw the translation almost immediately. When I held up a photo they seemed to look at it. It was true that they wanted me to do regular video chats which could be because the ladies make money from them. Or they just enjoy the contact and the chance to ask questions directly. All ladies were made aware that I was not well off, and it was difficult for me to write to so many doing letters and chats with each. I told each one they would have to work if they came to live here. A positive or negative sign? I found the website to be well designed although it took a while to locate some of the options. After 4 month I think I know it quite well now. I also found some bugs and communicated these to the support line. They were always professional and polite. Some were fixed, some of my suggestions implemented. There are some problems with viewing information on a cell phone some text not visible and so on. I suppose when they screen new ladies they chose the cream of the crop as most are above average in looks to stunning. In addition I have never seen so many ladies with pleasantly large breasts in their profile photos — one of my likes, so no complaining! Are they real or photoshopped? Many sent me short videos they made at home. It was obvious they were mostly a little nervous and shy, much as you would expect from someone not used to the camera on them. Some learnt an opening greeting in English. I asked all for a video where they talk as the sound of a voice is important to me. If the ladies or men are on other websites, that is their prerogative. Of course if they have boyfriends or partners that is another story and maybe you will be checking on that VK site, Sebastian? UADreams supposedly vets them regularly to make sure they are single. I found most ladies replied quickly, 1 or 2 days but occasionally longer. Recently I have limited myself to 1 email per months to 5 ladies and an occasional chat as finances permit. I used my Credit card for payment and no extra amounts have ever been deducted. Yes, the site is expensive. But the shop is ridiculous and I echo your advice to them — scrap it or reduce the cost to normal levels. Surely only oil barons from America can afford to use it! The problem for me is that I have some emotional attachment to the ladies and although I have contemplated closing my account completely, I am just about hanging on. I never intended to be writing to so many. However many ladies contacted me and I found it hard to resist them being a lover of beautiful women! Eventually I had to hide my profile to stop more ladies writing to me. The costs in meeting someone are rather high too. That comes to quite a substantial amount especially if you are in contact with 3 or more ladies. It could happen — but probably not. So have a backup or two. Maybe I could afford to meet 1 but I need to first decide if they have been scamming me. Even then, how do I choose 1 from so many attractive, interesting ladies! Are they getting paid per letter I write, or per video chat? Impossible to prove unless you work there. Ex-employees are notorious for bad-mouthing their previous employer! Will they actually meet you — or have a sudden emergency and need to leave town? Again unless you work there you will never know until you try it. They can also provide accommodation in a hotel or apartment. Has anyone used that facility? Happy with the standard? Do you consider it overpriced? The positive testimonials showing married couples impressed me more than written ones. In all the many letters I have received I gained the feeling that I was definitely writing to a particular person. There were no inconsistencies that might have indicated more than one person writing. And I have a good knowledge of English. I tend to agree with Sebastian. Or allow email sharing only. But I understand they would not want to lose the income generated by emails if people contact each other directly. I am not sure what else they could do to prove that meeting and marrying does happen. I thought maybe some men would be prepared to talk to people worries about the Agency but somehow maintaining their privacy. Perhaps using temporary emails addresses. I for one would be keen to to swap emails with a man who has actually met and married a lady from UADreams. UADreams apparently has 14 branches in the major cities. Are they in safe, easily reached areas, preferably the downtown area? One review I saw seemed to indicate the person could not find a branch in one city. Was the staff friendly? Does anyone seriously think one is in physical danger if you visit UADreams offices or the Ukraine alone — as one person intimated? Use discretion when going to bars and clubs best with a friend , watch your wallet and also the dropped-case-containing-money-con. Stay and stick to the downtown areas or use a guide with his own car. Another point: Maybe some ladies scam and some are 100% legitimate? Again no way to tell, unless you find them on VK with other men who are obviously more than friends. I thought the ladies would be upset about our ongoing correspondence without a definite indication of when I will go to Ukraine. I would have thought they wanted that phase to last 2-3 months and then a definite meeting date should be on the cards. Is that a negative sign? What I want to see is posts from guys who have communicated, met and married a lady from UADreams that has lasted a decent time. Maybe their marriage certificate. How they coped with the lack of English. Your first meeting is with a compulsory translator at their office. But how did they manage later without one? Sit at a restaurant just looking at each other? No more easy communication by translated letters. Supposedly none of the UADreams ladies speak any English though I once saw one with Intermediate English. UADreams say this is why translators are necessary. But I saw a video by a Ukrainian lady that said most young people there CAN speak enough English to communicate. I should mention that this whole thing has stressed me — because I cannot ascertain the truth 100% as well as the financial difficulties it has subjected me to. I have run up a bill on my credit card to pay for UADreams. Maybe someone who has been through the whole experience and is happily married can document it here? Rob Hi Sebastian, Yes — UADreams are very expensive for me anyway — less so for eg American, UK and Aussie guys though I have seen another highly recommended agency that charges even more for letters sent! I have seen your reviews but I already have a big financial and emotional investment in UADreams. I consider the 3 ladies who are my favourites are genuine, so I will keep on with my plans to meet them. It may or may not be true but UADreams told me that because they are the biggest agency in the Ukraine claimed , there are unscupulous agencies that spread negative reviews about them without providinjg any proof. Personally I feel if you are going to run anything down in public you should be prepared to provide whatever proof disposed you to take that stand. I left out the following before. I had joined another agency but it appeared to be a scam. I saw sevral ladies I liked but could not read their letter without paying. I took out a 3 day membership so I could write to several. In fact I wrote over 50 letters in that period and the onlu genuine replies were from obvious scammers. So I terminated my membership. Soon after I receid an invitation to UADreams citing one of the ladies I had written to at the other agency. That lady later left me very politely saying I did not seem to be really interested in her. This actually was true as although we swapped letters I was more interested in other ladies. One more lady left because I told her I was more interested in 3 others and I broke the news on Valentines Day had forgotten it was so important there. When I decided a few times to either limit my letters or even temporarily remove my profile, they were all very disappointed but said they understod and would wait for me. This could be a negative pointer or it could just be the chats mean more to them than us. I recently asked UADreams about personal safety and ease of access to their various branches. The hotels they use are mostly within walking distance of their branches. Some may need a taxi ride. Hope this further info is of interest. Cheers, Rob Sebastian, Uadreams has a PR department that posts crap like this all over the Internet to cover all of the negative things that they are actually doing. Did you see the YouTube video I sent you of the lady who used to work there exposing the entire operation? Personally I will stop visiting your site because it is obvious that you have utter disdain for your readers actually having a realistic chance of success in international dating. If you did you would warn all of your patrons to stay away from this site. Hello Mike, I really appreciate your help in clearing this case. Can you tell me the subject line you put in the email so that I can search it or send it again. Please send me this video to my email address you can do it at my contact page that you find in the site menu. In the meantime I will do more research about this site and read every forum entry that I can find. Thanks for your support. I normally enjoy your reviews and I understand that they are a revenue source. However even a cursory search of the internet shows that undreamed is a complete scam. It is apparent that all of the positive reviews are fake and generated from the site owners. I hope no one reads your article and thinks that site is anything other than a frays using paid models. You should have taken time to read the hundreds of men who have been scammed out of thousands of dollars. And the countless reports of the women being actual,y married or in other serious relationships. Many of those scammed have reported actual links to their Vk Facebook page showing everything they represented on usdreams was a lie. Much less the poor slobs that actually went to meet the girls to be stood up by some excuse why the girl coukdmnot meet, but not until they had paid the site for the travel arrangements. Please do your followers a favor and have some journalistic integrity and report this site for what it is…A COMPLETE SCAM…before one of your followers joins countless others in losing their money. Hello Mike, thanks a lot for your comment. I actually get less than a dollar of revenue for everyone who signs up on UaDreams. I wrote this review because I was interested in finding out if the scam complaints are true. I really chatted with some of the girls, so the conversations I shared in the article are real. And yes, I am very suspicious about this company. Could you share that link with me? Now that you are saying this I lose even more trust. I would appreciate if you sent me the evidence. Dear Mike Oberstom, Thank you so much for your comment and remarks. To our regret, from your comment we were not able to determine if you are the UaDreams actual member and ever used our service to try to find a bride in Ukraine. So, please allow us to give a detailed explanation on the things you accuse us of. To your information UaDreams agency has a special Anti-Scam Department working on various methods of detecting and removing professional daters and scammers from the gallery of our female members who are seriously searching for a husband from abroad with us. We do not allow the ladies to register online or from distance. Each and every lady has personally to attend one of our branch offices and bring her passport with her. This document allows us to have an irrefutable information about: 1 her real name 2 her citizenship 3 her age 4 her marital status. This information is necessary for starting membership with our agency. Moreover, the lady provides us with the information on her registration in social networks, and the agency managers cross-check those profiles on a regular basis for any updates that could become an evidence of the facts the lady told us about her life and major events in it. The married ladies and the ladies already having relationships are not allowed to register. All those measures taken, along with our policy that forbids exchanging any contact information between members before their meeting in real life, clearly show that it is impossible to have «thousands» of scammed men among the members of UaDreams. Indeed, our work has some peculiarities, caused by the simple fact that we work with live people and not some machines. Surely, each person thinks and acts differently in every situation. Both our male and female members are not bound to never look for second halves in other places, in their native countries. You cannot accuse someone being a scammer because of that. We are not able to check if the male members tell truth about themselves in their profiles. There are men who showed their serious intentions in correspondence and the ladies spent years communicating and waiting for their meeting to learn that this man has already found someone in his own country. The same way, the lady may also meet another person and end her communication with a man on our site. You cannot keep the marriage agency responsible for that or accuse it in scam because of that. As an agency we provide all our members with many different services for them to get acquainted and meet, to guarantee their safety and confidentiality, to ease all the obstacles between them caused by distances and language differences. So the very special highly trained Anti-Scam Department working hard on various methods really fenomenal of detecting and removing professional daters and scammers. But each lady might have several different profiles on various sites, she might have hundreds of added friends and it is physically impossible to verify analyze all this information. Unfortunately we are a dating agency, not a detective who has more advanced means of finding the real state of things and the evidence of the facts. So for these highly trained anti scam agents from uadreams its PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to verify analyze all this information , BUT FOR ME WHO IS NOT A HIGHLY TRAINED FUCKING EXPERT i m able to find in 30 minute a girl profile and if she have a boyfriend or not. As i say they give a big shit if a girl have boyfriend or not , if you find that the bitch have boyfriend practically you are the anti spam agent not their fucking employees,if exist such employees. Mike Oberstorm All Uadreams girls is working for Uadreams and nothing can be proven about marriages no law documents and prove of no visa scams after 3 or 4 years nothing. I am in contact with a person from Uadreams a worker she confessed its a big scam. My girl well finded out after spended much feelings and money well she had a boyfriend whole time in Ukraine as seen on her social media. Uadreams when confronted them just acted like nothing they did not care even shown proof. This industry has found a perfect way to scam or empty your wallets very quickly with the enticement of getting you a glamorous girl of your dreams. First the girl is given a free session of photo shoots etc photoshop included and will also get videos of the girls and post one free sometimes for everyone to see 2. Its actually great if the client just decides to communicate via email , that way, the agency and every keeps getting money out of it for the long run. Why kill the golden goose Things become uncomfortable if you want to get personal information and communicate outside of the site. They will tell you its not possible till you have made arrangements to meet in their city and made all the arrangements through the website etc. Of course many times, if you do make arrangements they will be sick or traveling or working or gone to another city etc. There are a myriad of ways they just want to keep the emails and video chat going but not meet in real life. Now there is the video chat The lottery because here they make the most money usually. At first it will seem just great to see your lady on videochat but slowly you will start realizing its pretty rehearsed and usually the translator is telling the girl what to do. One of the give aways are when the answers to your questions come so fast that only the translators can figure out the answers. I asked one of the girls that I liked your photos at your modelling agency and gave an example- instantly the question came back. HOW DID YOU KNOW? HOW DID YOU FIND OUT? I told them that I found out through a friend but in reality I hired a detective agency to find out if the communication I was having was true. I know many of you will be disappointed and so was I that you got swindled by a lady who was posing to make some money, who already have boyfriends. We have so far located 3-4 girls on the site that have vibrant social lives including boyfriends or husbands. But they are on the site to make a little side money while staying home. How do I know these as a fact: I have the email and phone number including their social media site address where they post regularly. When you try to contact any of them via these media, the same girls who are so sweet and never hesitate to write to you everyday and tell all about their lives and how they need a foreign man in their lives because all the guys in their country are not upto expectations will block you and not communicate back and if you are persistent they will delete their profiles. Later one of them did bring her social profile back but has blocked it from others seeing it. The more business these girls generate for the agencies the more they get a cut out of it. Some of these girls will meet you professionally in their city after you have paid a huge amount to the agency to arrange everything but the whole point is to buy things , pay for restaurants etc so everyone gets a cut out of you. Remember the professionals will never ask you for direct money only the amateur ones. BUT they will gladly take your money. NO ONE said life was going to be fair. Beware of an invitation by uadreams. Once they realize you can become a client, they will entice you from other websites with the lure that the girl feels safer here and the translation is better etc. Its business and they continue to do it. I was communicating with this girl from uadreams and then I found her on another website, so I registered with another email address,the same girl on the other website had no clue who I was but after a few short communication closed her account. A few days later , I got an email to my other email address asking me to join uadreams to continue my communication with her. Slowly I am starting to understand how this works. So now, I will continue to expose and reveal what I have found out , realized and experienced. It will take some time but hopefully it will save someone else money , broken heart and worse your sanity. Be responsible and enjoy this wonderful life. They give no specific information and everything is just positive where they encourage you to go and join the site. If you also notice their english- you will realize there is something unusual and fake about the positive reviews. Another thing, they monitor all these review sites so as soon as there is a negative review they will post a postive review to keep up the ratings!! Uadreams is a big translate fee scam, exist many others I am afraid like Anastasiadate and Dream-Marriage and Ualadys before they were part of Uadreams both is translate fee date scams so on. All their girls are in on it, all their girls Uadreams scam prodate girls working, they get paid by letter and py chat minute and all other expensive translate fees Uadreams have they their girls gets a cut of it. Very easy to see that Uadreams is a scam if you digg deep they have tons of negative feedback from 100s customers and as meantioned before no real proof of any marriage by law document, and no proof no visa scams happend after like 4 years of marriage. So when do these scam pro date Uadreams girls have any time for work and sleep and eat? Seriously come on people wake up… Scam scam Scam. A serious honest marriage agency would have 100s true marriages every year or more. A serious marriage agency gives out girls contact details before meeting. A serious marriage agency list their office adress clearly and have pictures on their staff and email and phone and fax numbers clearly visuable and company information. It does not matter if you are young good looking well trained fit in body and earn a lot of money and is ready to create a family… Many guys in young ge even under 27 years of age have been scammed by Uadreams aswell. I tried many of their ladies, video chat, flowers, writing emails and everything. Too all let you know guys. Imagine what is the rest. Wanna meet honest girls use Ukrainedate. Stay far away from translate fee sam agencies, not all that charge by pay per letters is scams or pay per minute, but most of them from Ukraine and Russia is date translate fee scams. Also when going to Ukraine and Russia never go there alone can be dangerous travel with some friends or travel there if you know someone well outside internet that can guide you to safe places and safe and honest people. Personally used Uadreams some years back finded several of their girls with local boyfriends on social media but on Uadreams they were so very intrested… Also to state the fact I am also very young when I were on Uadreams were only under age of 27. Have zero problem get a girl but tired of Western feminism and sought an adventure… But wish I done more research stay away from any date site that has so much bad feedback and false positive reviews. Stay away from any datesite with so much and many true honest negative reviews and so on. Our research also shownUadreams is runned by russian mafia and can be quite dangerous, they do anything to silence the truth and let nothing hinder their cashflow to scam western men worldwide. Sometimes girls identities get stolen and used on Uadreams by these crooks but this happends in small scale as most of Uadreams girls have video chats and not all of theirlive video chats is faked recorded feeds some is true but some is also faked recorded feeds that can obey certain simplier task like wave on command. I know this as some video chats live programs that shows recorded videos as live videos can actually fake simplier tasks, so its very important to ask your girl to stand up show height and write personal note and show in live video that is impossible to fake, then you know the girls is real but her intentions is not, only to milk you of your money and getting paid on correspondence. Uadreams tries to hide their illegal activities by hide their funds on Cyprus bank to avoid taxes aswell avoid Police. Consequently, Some links to products contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission. 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